Recruitment copywriting - The beauty of words

Take 15 mins to create job ads that work every time

Written by Steve McNally | Nov 21, 2024 11:56:58 AM

Andy Warhol captured the popular imagination when he said ‘everyone’s famous for 15 minutes’.

And it’s certainly possible to make your vacancies famous in 15 minutes, by using the WriteRecruit recruitment copywriting platform.   

The unique, easily integrated WriteRecruit platform gives any in-house recruitment team the power to create ads that sell the main proposition for any role, quickly and effortlessly.




It means every dry job description can now be transformed into a compelling ad, within 10-15 minutes.

 It means every ad is inclusive, built around an accessible structure and inclusive vocabulary.  

And it means your team can enjoy a whole host of easy-to-use features - including being able to instantly produce ‘shortened’ or ‘lengthened’ ads to suit any media (including your website, job boards, LinkedIn and Facebook). 

Above all, it’s completely customisable, so you can tailor the story to include (if you want) your EVP, your mission, your vision and your corporate values - for every ad, or just some of your ads. 

And if you start with just a JD and a ‘blank canvas’, no problem! 

Our award-winning copywriters will create your employment story with and for you - programming your up-to-the-minute compelling narrative into the AI-powered platform so that every job you advertise gets the spotlight it deserves. 


So find out more about a platform that will create great ads - and make you famous as an employer for all the right reasons, with every candidate community.    

Book your demo, right now.