
How to activate your EVP through your job ads

A blog about maximising RoI

The quickest, most cost-effective way to activate your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) - and keep it ‘out there’ - is through your day-to-day recruitment advertising.
Every time you post a job, you have a priceless opportunity to tell the world about you as an employer - as well as target the specific candidates you want for a particular role.
All the brand and marketing science backs that up, with ‘repetition, repetition, repetition’ proven to build your reputation as an employer. 
So how do you create recruitment ads that bring alive your employer promise? 
There are certain key moments in any ad where you can spotlight the ‘right’ EVP attributes, in the most impactful way. We shine the light on those moments in our two-hour recruitment copywriting masterclass, which is free to in-house recruitment teams in any sector.


Book your FREE masterclass now!


Get a real RoI from your EVP

Our own 20+ years’ experience in employer branding has taught us that for all the investment that goes into an EVP project, the proof of the employer brand pudding is how well it works in your talent markets.
That’s where your recruitment ads can justify - and indeed dramatically multiply - the return on your EVP investment.
Every job ad you produce has the potential to promote a golden thread of your employment promise - in a fresh and regularly refreshed way. Our masterclass will show you how to tell your employment story in a genuinely spellbinding manner that’s both authentic to ‘you’, and relevant to each role.

Grabbing the heart, the mind - and the ‘you’

This tried and tested method will show you how you can bring alive both your EVP research findings and chosen proposition in any ad - through a narrative that will open the eyes and mind of any targeted candidate.
Our approach will empower you and your team to convey any pillar or number of pillars in any one ad - whether it’s inclusion and belonging, purpose and growth, reward and recognition, or anything else that makes you ‘you’. 
It’s comforting to know that - just like your EVP - this approach combines both data-led science and creative storytelling; the exact method that sits at the heart of WriteRecruit, the world’s most advanced recruitment copywriting platform.
So enjoy our masterclass - and if you would like to see how the incredible WriteRecruit platform will write EVP-activating job ads for you, book a demo now. 

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